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Redemption from Darkness

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Redemption from Darkness Empty Redemption from Darkness

Post  Guest Tue Feb 26, 2008 8:20 pm

I have seen Bloodlust and Sorrow throughout my life along with the torment of regret yet I still bear to hope and justice…

I was born in the stronghold Theremore my mother died of illness not long after I was born and I was left with my father, a Paladin himself his father Arius Lionheart was a member of the Silver Hand and was Brutally murdered by Arthas and his foul Minions but before his death he taught my Father as a boy of the ways of the Light which eventually would be passed down to me.

At the age of 12 my father took me out into Dusthallow Marsh for hunting and to skin our prize and sell its coating to the market which we tended to do for money and food. However this was my first time hunting with my Father and I was new to it, never less I did as my Father Issued, we came across a wild Raptor that had taken up residents in a nearby cave, my father saw his prize, however he told me that we would wait until it was out in the open and more vulnerable I asked my father wouldn’t that take the rest of the day? He told me one of the ways of the Paladin is to be respectful and have patience I agreed with my father and eventually we caught our prize and returned home.

While on the road back to Theremore we came across a broken down caravan that looked like it had been ransacked, my father told me to wait and stay behind a nearby bush as he drew his weapon he looked at me and knelt he told me "My son live without fear among your enemy's, speak the Truth even if it leads to your death, defend the helpless no matter the cost, bring those to justice in the name of the Light and strike with Righteousness against the wicked" he kissed me on the head and began to cautiously walk into the caravan I then heard a large wicked scream as undead began to pour from the shadows and charge at the caravan my father knelt and placed both hands on his sword leaning against the ground he whispered to himself and a shroud of light surrounded him, as my eyes gleamed with Light my father arisen holding his blade above his head he swung his sword against the charging undead repeatedly splitting them in two one by one… but eventually became overpowered from the overrunning numbers that surrounded him. Before the final blow was stroke my father placed his hand against his chest and yelled as a pillar of Light came down disintegrating every living thing including my father...

My very soul trembled with regret and hatred I told myself I could have saved him... I could have helped my father if I had not have been so obedient...

I was eventually recovered by a convoy of soldiers from Theremore, realizing I was an orphan, I was taken by them and raised within the Theremore Army and served them for 15 years until I was a True man...

I learned much from them how to fight with a Sword, become obedient to my commanding officers and confront my fears in the face of my enemies.

The time had come when we were being sent to northern Lordaeron to establish a stronghold near the remains of Dalaran, we were briefly told from our superiors that it was Dalaran who were keeping most of the undead from attacking the south part of the Eastern kingdoms and that were we going there to help defend Dalaran however before we could arrive our Army was spotted by undead scouts we were forced to go into formation and prepare for battle.

Shortly after an Undead Army arrived much more superior to our numbers, there was no chance of retreat by now and we were ordered to stand our ground in the face of the enemy, I then remembered the words my Father had spoken to me… I knew if I were to take my vengeance the time would be now.

Fire filled my Heart as I was ready to fight, our Commander issued the charge and so without fear we approached the enemy with haste.

The battle was a failure and having to witness my comrade’s fall beneath my enemies and be ripped apart with my own eyes was not a pleasant sight and eventually having our commander fall our second in command issued a retreat.

However… my anger for the rotting corpses was still ablaze and having heard our order I fought on as my comrades fled past me, it came to the time were I was surrounded by them.. realizing that my anger and bloodlust and led to my down fall I fell to my knees out of exhaustion I can remember some sort of Black figure approaching me and as I looked up a blinding light began to surround me I can remember seeing my Father’s face for a glimpse second then blacking out.

I eventually found myself within the Cathedral of Light my wounds from the battle had left my body as one of the priest’s approached me and began to speak although I could not understand what he was speaking of, I felt as if I was half dead… the memories of my comrades and the battle taunted my mind still, I arose to my feet and thanked the priest for the aid and kindness and so went on my way.

The remaining year was a long one; my mind was beset of sorrow and regret it was as if my life was repeating itself and that my darker past was becoming real once more… I felt as if I was already dead…

However a small sign of hope showed itself as I met a beautiful woman who in time became my wife my life, it was as if I had been given a new life.

In time we had a son named Durium, I taught him everything I had learned from my past both from my father and from my experience in the Army, however past repeated it’s self for soon after my wife had died of illness as my mother had...

It fell to me as Durium was my only son and real family I swore to my Wife I would protect him till my dying breath as my Father did for me.

The time came were my son had completed his training and wished to join the Stormwind Army I grew proud of my son as I watched him walk in my footsteps eventually when word spread of a portal opening leading to the demonic realm of Outland my son was called to War along with the Storwmind Army.

I decided to intervene and join the Army as an ally so I may safeguard my son while in battle... the thought of loosing my only son would be the end of me…

After 6 months of battling demons and Orcs, my son and another was given a mission as a messenger’s from Honor Hold to journey to the Dark Portal and request reinforcements for the Garrison it had been said at the time that the Dark Portal had been secured for now, knowing my duty as a Father I prepared myself to ride with my son however he insisted that he could do this on his own I felt that he was right and convinced myself that he was fully capable, so… I let my son go along with another messenger as they rode away in the distance I turned away and made my way into the Barracks.

I decided to take a moment and rest, until I heard the clashing of footsteps against stone rising to my feet I saw one of the messenger’s run to the commander in the barracks reporting that they were ambushed, without sparing a single moment I made haste to my horse and head for the Dark Portal.

Moment’s later I felt a chill in my spine as if I had entered the presence of death itself and in the distance I saw a black figure standing over a corpse… my son’s corpse… I then felt as if my humanity had left me, leaping from my horse, I drew my blade and charged, again my heart was filled with the rage of fire and even though I was making haste, the Black Figure stood in its position not moving an inch of its place… I then raised my sword above my head and threw myself at this figure I saw my self hitting the ground and looking back, the Black Figure that had stood there a split second ago had vanished before my eyes? I then felt my soul leave me as I quickly arose to my feet and turned to face the ever still corpse… it was my son…

I remember placing my hand over his chest and closing my eyes, I then opened them once more as my hand illuminated with a bright light, I then saw this light leave my hand and enter my son’s body, his corpse that lay there began to disappear as the light went with him until there was only I left in my own presence… I had failed… both as a Father and to my promise I made to my Wife.

I knew that full responsibility was mine and I had failed... I then saw another flicker of Light but this time I watched it as it entered my eyes and into my very sight I then saw a vision of the Cathedral of Light and heard what my Father had said to me "My son live without fear among your enemy's, speak the Truth even if it leads to your death, defend the helpless no matter the cost, bring those to justice in the name of the Light and strike with Righteousness against the wicked" I then raised my head as the vision left my mind as did my Father’s voice I knew what I must do.

The time came were I stood before the Cathedral of Light once again, however this time realizing its true presence of Light I felt the burdens of my mind leave me, I then looked to my left as I saw a fully plated Woman looking at me, she approached me and looked at me she told me her name was Anglelia, she then took my hand and told me I was one with the Light I nodded slowly as she asked me to join her Order of Paladin’s I knew in hope of Redemption of myself and my sins I would serve the Light till the end of my days.. I would serve the Order of Illumination as Umaril Lionheart…I shall smite those Heretics of the Light and those Fallen from its will…

I shall strike those with the Wrath of Righteous…


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