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Heres an Rp idea i thought up have a read :)

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Heres an Rp idea i thought up have a read :) Empty Heres an Rp idea i thought up have a read :)

Post  Aspharr Wed Sep 10, 2008 7:40 pm

This RP idea i just thought off its quite big and i dunno if we would be able to finish it. Its based on the storyline of the Scarlet crusade and its inner corruption, may you guys can have a read. I made Macloren as the sole character in this story but it will involve most of us. Warning will be some rubbish grammer and spelling mistakes so if your lost in translation let me know appreciate everyones feedback, sugestions or changes especially you Mac. Smile

It begins with Macloren pondering on the oncoming threat from Northrend. He relises that the Scarlet Crusade, if they were redeemed somehow would make a great ally against the new army of the Lich King. Already Knowing that the Scalet crusade are a bunch of Madened zealots, he beleived that the influence was coming from the top of the crusade and that if was able to bring justice to them he may be able to return the crusade to its former glory.

Trip to Southshore.....

Macloren makes leave to southshore leaving one of his marshels to take temporary charge in his absence. (this point Mac will be logged out for about 48hours) He informs his Marshels that he is gone to meet Raleigh the Devout (former scarlet member in the sothsoure inn) but dosent revel the nature of the meeting...
When Maclorean arrives at southshore he asks Raleigh more about the extremism that had occured in the Crusade. Raleigh Reveals what the Lord militent had expected, that the corruption first came from the leadership of the Crusade.

Time for Action....

Mecloren reteurns and calls a meeting amoungst the Order, he explains where he had gone and what he has learnt from Raleigh the Devout about the Scarlet Crusade. After diliberation the The lord Militent and the order decide that we will venture to Confront the Zealist leaders of the scarlet crusade. First we all travel to lights hope chapel in Eastern plaguelands. we will all wait outside the chapel and let Mac go inside to privetly discuss matters with some of the Scarlet members inside. He then comes out and yells ''We Ride to Stratholme!!''. at the entrance of the instance Macloren informs the group that we are here to confront Grand Crusader Saidan Dathrohan to see what he has to say for his crimes.
We battle our way to him discover hes possesed by Dreadlord Balnazzar and we slain him in the name of the light. after the battle we return to SW, were Maclorean re-ponders the fight amazed that the leader of Crusade was being controled by a demon, even though this was not what he had expected he was satisfied that the order was able to nutrilise this threat.

Following the battle....

Soon after Macloren has a disturbing vision and hears faint whispers in the background. In his vision he makes out the image of Highlord Alexandros Mograine and hears the shallow whispers:
"I... was... pure... once."
"Fought... for... righteousness."
"I... was... once... called... Ashbringer."
"Betrayed... by... my... order."
"Destroyed... by... Kel'Thuzad."
"Made... to serve."
"My... son... watched... me... die."
"Crusades... fed his rage."
"Truth... is... unknown... to him."
"Scarlet... Crusade ... is pure... no longer."
"Balnazzar's... crusade... corrupted... my son."
"Kill... them... all!"

The lord Militent wakes up in a cold sweat, and realisised the corruption of the crusade was far deeper then he had imagined. Intreged by hearing whispers of the ashbinger in his dreams Macloren calls another meeting amoung the Order, he mentions the vision he had following the battle against Dreadlord Balnazzar, and calls upon his brothers if there was a way we could find out more about the history of the Morgraine and the Ashbringer...
Vaknor the wise suggest there is one place we can go to witness the history of this event, and that the Cavens of Time. Vaknor goes on to say in the old hisbred foothills, the inn in southshore is beleived to have the event the Morgraine and his fellow paladins discuss the fordging of the legendary sword. Macloren agrees and summons the Order to travel to the old hisbread foothills.
There we should witness the meeting in the old southshore, im not sure if we need to clear the instance first i'll have to check that, but it will be cool for the order to withness this event togethor.

Next step.... Naxxramas

Armed with this new Knowledge and realising what Highlord Mograine had become with the corrupted Sword, Macloren concludes that we must prepare and assult on Naxxramas death knight's wing and bring justice to the his corrupted spirit.
If we get this far and head to Naxxramas dystroy the death knights. (If the corrupted Ashbringer falls Macloren Will claim it as he is the visionist, if it dosent fall then Macloren fufills his and the Order's dystney as the traped spirit of Highlord Morgraine freed from corruption.

Corrupted Ashbringer Event...

If the Corrupted Ashbringer falls and Mac takes it the order will gather again and witness the Corrupted Asbringer event. Mac will head into scarlet monestry the cathedral district and all the mobs should kneel down before him, when he reaches Renault Morgraine the scalet cathdrel boss he will kneel down and the get sited by his farther as a spirit, then macloren goes to Fairbanks and he gets cleansed and the story is complete..... Smile
(i put a link below to show what the Corrupted Ashbringer event would look like))



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Heres an Rp idea i thought up have a read :) Empty Re: Heres an Rp idea i thought up have a read :)

Post  Macloren Mon Sep 29, 2008 4:03 pm

All in all I like it. it would be ace to get my grubby mits on the Ashbringer. & that would make Algorath cry!! 'boohoo! but I'm the Scarlet highlord!!!'
Lord Militant
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Heres an Rp idea i thought up have a read :) Empty Re: Heres an Rp idea i thought up have a read :)

Post  Evangelist Mon Sep 29, 2008 5:43 pm

i really like that idea mate will take some real work but all in all i really think we could pull it off
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